Celine is pretty, loves to be with us. She weights 17 lbs.
Please click on any of the NAMES below to be taken to that dog's info page.
Rosemary likes being with us. She is calm and a good family dog. She has produced lovely puppies. She weights 17 lbs.
Nutmeg is friendly, calm, pretty, loves us. She has pretty puppies. She weights 18 lbs.
Maggie is a pretty girl. She loves her back rubbed. She has such pretty puppies. She weights 21 lbs.
Anya is one of our female King Charles Cavaliers from Serbia.
Keira is one of our female King Charles Cavaliers from Serbia.
Zhan is one of our male King Charles Cavaliers. He is 15 lbs.
Hardy is one of our male King Charles Cavaliers. Click on the thumbnails below to view full size pictures:
Female Breeder
***Adoption Pending*** Africa is four years old she is spayed and ready and retired. She is a very delightful doggie. She loves to be with you she weighs about 17 pounds. I would prefer she go to someone not too far from here. We are asking $500 for her.
Willa comes from Showdown Cavaliers. Thank you Peggy Dixon. She weighs 13 pounds. She is your typical Cavalier, loves to be with you. She is a joy to have! Willa’s Pedigree
Lacey is a pleasure to have. She has 10 champions in her 4 generation pedigree. She is a delightful girl to have. She weights 18 pounds. Lacey’s Pedigree
Darcy is just gorgeous! She is everything you would want in a Cavalier. She has many champions in her lines. Darcys pedigree
Brady is my new fella! I am happy to have received him from show breeder, Penny Platt. Brady’s father, Jonlis Rogue is heart clear at 8 years old. His maternal grandparents are heart clear at 58 months and 70 months. Brady weighs 19 pounds. Also, I am really pleased with Brady’s personality. What a sweet, […]
Please click on the pictures below to view larger pictures. Buster is beautiful, and has a very sweet personality. He weighs about 22 LBS. His sire is Grand Champion Ch SHEEBA WANNA TALK ABOUT ME. His line has healthy hearts. In his 4 generation pedigree, he has 15 champions. Thank Mrs. Peggy Dixon for letting me […]
Click pics below for larger pics
Peppa is a beautiful male ruby Cavalier.
Kiiya is about 16 pounds. Please click on pictures below to view larger, in a slideshow:
This is Regis, one of our retired male breeders.